The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) has granted $52,946 to enable Montana Legal Services Association to create new interactive family law forms for self-represented litigants. Interactive forms allow a computer user to answer questions in an online interview. The answers populate the forms, which can then be printed, emailed, or saved for further editing.
The new forms will replace outdated interactive forms and will be approved by the Montana Access to Justice Commission Self-Represented Litigants Committee. The forms will be available on as well as the State Law Library/Montana Supreme Court websites.
LSC is the single largest funder of civil legal aid for low-income Americans in the nation, promoting equal access to justice and providing grants for high-quality civil legal aid. LSC has funded many MLSA technology-oriented projects through its Technology Initiatives Grants (TIG) program. MLSA appreciates the opportunity to use the current TIG funding to help ensure fairness for all family law litigants in Montana.